Supply Chain

Choosing independent electronic component suppliers

October 5, 2023
Supply Chain

Choosing independent electronic component suppliers

October 5, 2023

How Independent Electronic Suppliers Operate?

Independent electronic component suppliers occupy a particularly useful area of the market because they are generally free of any ties to a particular manufacturer or brand. This offers impartiality and flexibility of approach in finding the right parts for you.

If you are seeking a part that is obsolete, is subject to long lead times or is in particularly short supply, it will be an independent supplier with the answer to those problems.

Before embarking on a new supplier relationship, it is important to do the research first. Closely investigating quality processes, paying particular attention to counterfeit mitigation, looking carefully at the awarded accreditations and customer reviews will all prove to be time well spent.

With a few, well selected independent suppliers in your back pocket, you will be well placed to weather any market conditions.

Benefits of Working With an Independent Supplier

Broad component availability

To maximise your chances of finding stock, you need to find a supplier with wide reach and ideally with stockholding too.

A good supplier will have their own global network of tried and tested suppliers and brokers each with their own stocklists to tap into. This gateway to vast supply networks will exponentially widen your search to yield the strongest possible results. When combined with your supplier’s own stock, it is a recipe for success.

Try to be open minded, there is plenty of new and original stock sitting all over the world ready to be put to use. Manufacturers often sell off their excess stock and this stock can have full traceability, be in its original packaging and prove extremely useful during periods of scarcity.

Competitive pricing and flexibility

When exploring the possibility of using an independent supplier, it is worth looking at their services. A supplier offering any kind of scheduled ordering service will allow you to be organised in your forward planning as well as locking in prices.

For example, when you use Cyclops Electronics scheduled ordering services, you are able to plan your orders up to 1-year in advance as well as using fixed prices. This can be extremely useful to avoid any potential shortages that may occur in the future, as well as any unexpected price rises. Using this service also means that you are able to free up more warehouse space without having to purchase a full years order in bulk at once, giving you that added flexibility with orders.

Personalised customer support

One of the major positives of dealing with an independent supplier is the personal touch, in the sense that your supplier will get to understand your purchasing portfolio. This enables your Account Manager to be an extra set of eyes and ears. Offering up news, insight and updates can be a huge benefit which in turn allows you to put this market insight to full use and make informed judgements. The time savings achieved by outsourcing these activities can be significant.

Supply chain rigours

Supply chain strength, breadth and rigour is not something to be short cut nor can it be bought or manufactured. There is no replacement for years of organic supply chain intelligence. Does your supplier grade all of its suppliers and act accordingly with regards to testing and inspections?

As one of the largest independent stocking distributors of electronic components and over 30 years of market experience, chances are that you won’t need to look further than Cyclops Electronics to find the components you need. Specialising in hard to find and obsolete components, you can even use our scheduled ordering service to secure large amount of stock in advance at the best price and have it delivered throughout the year – saving you both money and warehouse space.

Contact us today for more information on any of the services we provide. Alternatively, you can enter the part number you are looking for into the box below to search directly.

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