Supply Chain

Debunking post-Brexit myths

September 25, 2023
Supply Chain

Debunking post-Brexit myths

September 25, 2023

Buying Electronic Components From the UK

Here is a fact, Cyclops Electronics holds one of the largest independent stock holdings of electronic components in Europe. We can be your secret weapon for sourcing shortage, allocation, hard to find and obsolete electronic components.

We know that Brexit has caused concern for some when it comes to working with UK-based businesses. Let us show you why choosing Cyclops Electronics as your preferred partner is the right decision for your business.

  • Over 630 companies across Europe, including some of the largest OEMs, regularly rely on Cyclops Electronics for sourcing and supplying high-quality electronic components.
  • 95% of all the stock we supply is free of import duty (UK to the European Union).
  • If by chance you order one of the minority parts that attracts a tariff, we will tell you at quote/order stage.
  • Cyclops Electronics are still providing next day delivery to mainland Europe.
  • The UK has been actively negotiating trade agreements worldwide since Brexit. This includes agreements with countries in Asia and North America, giving your business exclusive gateway access to these opportunities via Cyclops Electronics.
  • British products and services are known for their quality and professionalism. Whether it’s technology, manufacturing or service sectors, your components are going to be checked to the highest quality standards at our facility in the UK.
  • We are accredited by JOSCAR, used by the aerospace, defence and security industry to act as a single source for supplier pre-qualification and compliance information.

The Cyclops Group is a worldwide company and an arm of our Group is based within the very heart of Europe, in Brussels. From this base we ship daily to customers relying on us for on-time delivery and high quality components.

Aside from the practicalities, our European customer base is right at the centre of our business. Our team members represent almost every country of mainland Europe with a wide array of European languages spoken.

Trust us to be your go-to source for electronic components and let us help your supply chain running smoothly – and it is going to be a much simpler order fulfilment than you may have anticipated.

Save us for when you need us

You may not need us right now, but we’re always here to help with any shortage and hard to find electronic components. Our website has a handy component search tool that you can bookmark by clicking on the star icon for easy access later on.

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the star in the navigation bar to bookmark our website and component search tool
  3. Now you can always find us under your browser navigation bar

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