Leading Obsolete Electronic Components Distributor

Cyclops Electronics can help you find obsolete electronic parts with the highest level of quality assurance. Use our Component Search tool to find and buy obsolete and hard to find electronic components.

Our Certifications
ISO 9001:2015
ERAI member

Specialists in Hard to Find and Obsolete Electronic Components

We know how difficult it can be to find suppliers of obsolete electronic components that you can trust, but you have come to the right place. Cyclops Electronics can help you find obsolete electronic parts with the highest level of quality assurance.

We not only have a stocklist of over 1 billion electronic parts, including both obsolete components and replacement components. We also have a team of sourcing experts with global reach at your disposal to source the obsolete electronic parts that you are struggling to find.

Find Obsolete Electronic Parts with Our Component Search Engine

We make finding and sourcing obsolete electronic components a simple and straightforward process with the Cyclops Electronics' part search engine. Our stocklist includes a wide range of obsolete, hard-to-find, long lead time and replacement components from all electronic component manufacturers. Simply enter the part number of the obsolete components you need into the parts finder and we will do the rest.

Whenever you procure a component through Cyclops Electronics, you are protected by our One-Year Quality Guarantee, which means that if parts we provide fail to meet the manufacturer’s specification within 12 months of purchase, we will replace the parts free-of-charge or refund the original purchase price.

Buy Obsolete Components with Confidence

Quality and Inspection

Our rigorous component inspection and quality procedures remove risks and protect your supply chain. Our in-house inspection team, combined with our regularly vetted test houses, give you security when buying from us.

Global access

With a team global sourcing experts, trusted supply network, international offices and global distribution hubs, we are able to source the components you need, rapidly and at the most competitive market prices.

Rapid response and delivery

Our responsive team of Account Managers will reply to your enquiry in a matter of hours, if not minutes. Once you place the order with us, our Dispatch Team will pack and ship your electronic components in the same day for stocked items.

Approved supplier network

Our global sourcing network is paramount to our success. We only source components from our qualified vendor base. We continuously monitor and evaluate our suppliers to ensure that we always source high quality electronic components.

Component Search

Enter the part number to search our component inventory.

Rapid RFQ

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Sell Your Obsolete Electronic Components

Did you know that we offer a range of tailored selling options to manage your surplus electronic component stock?

You can sell your excess electronic components inventory with Cyclops Excess and receive an immediate payment, or consign your stock with us to get access to a global network of potential buyers.

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