Electronic Components

How we can help your electronic component needs

February 8, 2021
Electronic Components

How we can help your electronic component needs

February 8, 2021

Cyclops Electronics is classed as an electronic component distributor in the sense that electronic component distribution forms 80% of our business. However, this is only part of our operation. We actually provide a complete distribution solution, with sourcing, ordering, testing, and quality inspection included.

This ‘full-stack’ approach to electronic component distribution makes us a valuable partner to hundreds of companies around the world.

Electronic Component Distributor

We specialise in supplying other businesses with electronic components. We source, purchase, and fulfil component orders on our customer’s behalf. This means our customers only have to deal with us, which makes life easier.

Our customers also benefit from several service features, including:

- Fast component search

- Price Match Plus Promise

- Scheduled ordering

- Access to global supply chains

- A seamless and easy ordering process

The true value of our service is our wide network of trusted suppliers in the industry, which includes OEMs and specialised component manufacturers. Whether our customers need a sensor that’s in short supply or a PCB board ordered in the thousands, we can deliver.

Our global distribution network enables us to source components quickly. We take full control of the process. Our customers leave us to source what they need. This relationship is results-based, and we have a very high grade so far, following over 30 years’ in the industry (Cyclops Electronics was incorporated in 1990).

Excess Inventory Management

We also help businesses monetize excess components. Customers with excess components can move these components on through our network. This enables our customers to reduce inventory burdens and make money at the same time.

This service has 3 main benefits:

- An instant, positive cash injection

- Reduce your stockholding costs

- Reduce time spent managing surplus stock

If that sounds appealing to you, get in touch.

Electronic Component Testing and Inspection

As part of our electronic component distribution service, we inspect the components delivered to verify their legitimacy and quality. We are members of the ERAI and have the equipment to do in-house component analysis, as well as relationship with test-houses for further component testing.

The purpose of testing and inspection is two-fold: 1) To verify that the components are legitimate, i.e. not counterfeit, and 2) To verify that the components are working, or that they have been manufactured to the correct standards.

With our service, our customers benefit from:

- A One Year Quality Guarantee

- An ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

- Cyclops Group Inspection Process

- Cyclops Quality Assurance Statement

In other words, we test and verify components to International Standards, and we stamp our work with a one-year quality guarantee.

How We Can Help Your Electronic Component Needs

We work for our customers to solve shortage and supply problems for active, passive, electro-mechanical, and other components. If you want to solidify your supply chain with greater access to electronic components, we are the partner for you. We have a rich history of success and hundreds of successful partnerships.

Fancy a chat about your needs? Call us on 01904 415 415 or email sales@cyclops-electronics.com and we’ll get back to you. Alternatively, you can get in contact through our rapid enquiry form.

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