Supplying for Tomorrow, Today...

Global Electronic Components Distributor

We specialise in sourcing day-to-day, shortage, hard to find and obsolete electronic components to keep your supply chain moving. Search our stock of over 1 billion components ready to be shipped today.

Component Search

Our Certifications
ISO 9001:2015
ERAI member

We're Ready to Assist You

Whether you need a reliable supply of electronic components or you are facing a shortage, our expert team of Account Managers and Sourcing Professionals is here to support you. Simply get in touch with your requirements and let us take care of the details.

Our Services

Our customers trust us to solve their electronic component shortage challenges, deliver tailored solutions for their excess inventory and provide comprehensive supply chain solutions.

Searched. Quoted. Delivered.

As one of the largest independent electronic components suppliers, chances are that you won’t need to look further than Cyclops Electronics to find the parts you need.


Instant search

Use our powerful Component Search tool to search our stock of over 1 billion components and vast listing of available items.


Rapid quote

One of our responsive Account Managers will get back to you in a matter of hours, if not minutes, with best prices and availability.


Next day delivery

Once you place the order with us, our dispatch team will pack and ship your components on the same day for stocked items.

Reassuring Quality

Our industry-leading quality control and inspection programs are designed to maintain the integrity of your supply chain. Quality is at the core of every aspect of our business and our main tool to achieve outstanding customer satisfaction.

Expert component inspection
Approved network of trusted suppliers
Fully certified
1 year quality guarantee
Electronic components inspection

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